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Using highlighter

We can use the highglighter function in order to render and highlight code. By default the function will highlight the syntax of R code.

highlighter("some_variable <- 3")
some_variable <- 3

If we want we can specify the language using the language parameter.

highlighter("const someVariable = 3;", language = "js")
const someVariable = 3;

Using highlight_file

We can pass the path to a local file using the highlight_file function

# Specifying the language to be used
highlight_file("<path_to_your_file>", language = "r")

# Auto guessing the language to be highlighted when the language
# parameter is not specified.

Using themes

Specifying a theme to be used. You can get the available themes by means of the following function: get_available_themes()

# Specifying the language to be used and the theme
highlight_file("<path_to_your_file>", language = "r", theme = "dark")